What are the Advantages of MS Word: Knowing the MS Software
What are the Advantages of MS Word: Knowing the MS Software
Microsoft Word is the most widely used and famous word processing software available on the market, with millions of users worldwide. It is one of the programs that make up the Microsoft Office suite, alongside Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and many other programs.
Released in October of 1983, MS Word allowed, since its early days, most users to create simple word processing documents. Today, MS Word document is perfect for any user's needs, from complicated work reports to simple letters. This made Microsoft Word the most popular word processor.
Microsoft Word Main Advantages
Apart from all that, some new users may not understand why Microsoft Word, alongside Office software multiple versions got so famous nowadays. Thinking about them, RoyalCDKeys decided to take a look at some advanced features to list all the advantages of Microsoft Word. Let’s begin!
The first feature we want to point out is the integration possibilities of Microsoft Word. MS Word allows a wide range of formats in the same document, which not all the word processing software does. This means you can add images, charts, clip art, and many other things in a single word document.
Fixing Errors
One of the biggest problems of those who have to write constantly is grammatical errors. But Microsoft Word offers a solution for that through the spell checker. Microsoft Word makes the grammar check of your writing, points out all the mistakes you made, suggesting corrections. That way, the documents created will have clear and correct writing.
Mail Merge
Microsoft created the Mail Merge feature, considering the usage of Microsoft Word for mass mailing and related works. That way, any user can create personalized documents using a database list of names and addresses to merge into a document.
Mobile Apps
Almost any computer indeed runs not only Microsoft Word but also other Microsoft Office software. But, for many, one of the few disadvantages of Microsoft Word is that not long ago, you needed a computer to use it.
But that is no longer true as MS Word and Office suite itself already have well-optimized mobile device apps. Now, you can use Microsoft Word to edit and create documents wherever you are, using the program on practically all your devices.
Customization, Formatting Options, and Templates
Besides the images and charts we mentioned before, Microsoft Word has several other features that focus on customizing and formatting documents, some of which you won’t find in any other word processor tool. Word allows you to change the font and font size. It offers a wide range of different fonts to choose from and lets you change and add color to your work. Doing so allows you to mix several styles to your documents.
Another customization-related feature of MS Word presents template-changing possibilities. After creating documents, you can choose between a wide range of different templates. Many people use the same templates every time they are working with Word files. But for those who need to change from complicated documents to simpler works, like greeting letters, this feature helps a lot.
Besides all the incredible features of MS Word, one of the things that made it so famous is its availability, which is also why programs with other functions, such as MS Excel, are so widespread.
Extreme availability is the answer, as MS Word is straightforward to buy and download. Besides that, the most available software comes pre-installed on many devices for free trial periods. Since Windows and Word are Microsoft products, they work great together.
With all of its features, MS Word transformed the writing and reading process and made them far easier and faster. The only way to get better than this is to have more than one person working on the documents. It may have taken some time, but Microsoft finally added this collaboration feature to Word.
Now, multiple people can edit and comment on the same document simultaneously and make almost any type of change in real-time. Word will automatically update everybody’s versions. The only disadvantage of this feature is that it makes it a little harder for users to control the document version. But dividing tasks is a far more interesting strong point.
As a widely spread program suite integrated with Windows operating system, Microsoft needs to ensure its users get support when a problem appears.
And, guess what, they do a great job on that matter. People can make mistakes and, even though Word is extremely easy to use, its functions may cause issues. To solve this problem, Microsoft offers tools and ways to receive the proper assistance to dominate the program.
One example is their own forums with complete explanations and images presenting the software features. Another example is the live chat or phone assistance users can have depending on their problem.
Easy to Learn
Another of the benefits of Word is its ease of use. Learning how to use the program is easy and users can get the working knowledge of it only through their experience. Besides that, you can read about it in blog posts, watch videos, or attend a course. Since practically everybody uses Word, there are several options of high-quality courses available.
Files Size and Storage Possibilities
Back in time, a Word file could take up a lot of OS space on your computer. For machines with a smaller storage capacity, it was complicated to store documents. But Microsoft changed the format of the word archives, making it far smaller than it was, solving this problem once and for all.
Disadvantages of Microsoft Word
After everything you have already read, you know all the great advantages of MS Word. But, no matter how good a program is, there will always be advantages and disadvantages, and, with Microsoft Word it is no different. So, let’s take a look at the disadvantages Microsoft Word may have.
It is safe to ensure that the cost-effectiveness of MS Word and Office itself is high. To use all the possibilities and features Office and Word have to offer people need to expend some money. MS Office is sold in the Microsoft 365 packages or desktop versions. These packages are divided into home users and business users. The prices and features available vary.
For Home Prices
- Microsoft 365 Familly: $99.99 per year / $9.99 per month
- Microsoft 365 Personal: $69.99 per year / $6.99 per month
- Office Home & Business 2021: $249.99 (one-time purchase)
For Businesses Prices
- Microsoft 365 Basic: $6.00 per user/month
- Microsoft 365 Apps for Business: $8.25 per user/month
- Microsoft 365 Business Standard: $12.50 per user/month
- Microsoft 365 Business Premium: $22.00 per user/month
Some users may find these prices a little salty. Well, this is the moment where the problem is totally solved because you have RoyalCDKeys at your side! With us, you get retail keys for different Microsoft Office editions. Some of the keys you can get are
Removed Features
For those who have used Word for a long time, the removal of some specific features and the necessity to keep learning new things may not be that great. One example is the disappearance of the toolbar, replaced by a ribbon.
Microsoft Word has no control over what is being written on its documents. This means users can copy and paste every kind of information, create clone articles, or give vague answers. That happens because Microsoft doesn’t have a way to control none of that.
Where Can I Get My MS Word or Microsoft Office Suite
Microsoft Store is for sure the place where practically any user goes to get MS Office or even a standalone MS Word key. Retail stores are another possibility. But, besides both, there is a third and far better option: RoyalCDKeys!
RoyalCDKeys offers perfectly safe and working keys for Microsoft Office and much other useful software for your business and other necessities, such as operating systems and antivirus programs. All of that with incredible prices you won’t find anywhere else. So, create an account with us and start making some incredible deals.
Now you already know all the features and advantages that make MS Word the best word processor program you can get. Ease of use, customization, availability, and many other factors against which no other software or industry tools can compete. That way, MS Word will still be the best for a long, long time.
For more reviews, types, guides, and comparisons involving Office programs, antiviruses, and operating systems, check RoyalCDKeys. Besides offering quality products for incredible prices, we want to keep you tuned to everything that can help your business succeed!