The Best Operating System For Gaming PC
Besides all the choices you have to make while choosing a gaming PC, the operating system is surely of great importance. The OS you use has a high interference, which means it can improve gaming performance or, on the contrary, give you worse performance levels.
That’s exactly why the right gaming OS is so necessary for hardcore gaming. Of the options, three different Operating Systems are, by far, the most used. They are Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Alternatively, some computer users can go for Ubuntu, for instance.
But which one should you get? Let’s get straight into it, as RoyalCDKeys will help you determine which is the best gaming operating system.

Operating System Isn’t Everything
Despite having the best gaming OS, to ensure the best performance, other factors are extremely important. These go from processor and PC model to drivers, system memory, hard drive space, GPU, and CPU settings. Remember that all the OS need free disk space to be installed.
This means that, sometimes, the best operating system may change nothing about your gaming performance, as you need the right specs. Some of your favorite games may demand world-class hardware. Let’s see a brief overview of the available Operating Systems.

Question Answered: The Best Gaming Operating System
The best OS for gaming is Microsoft Windows Operating System, which wins in nearly every aspect. The main competitors, Mac OS, Linux, and Ubuntu, stay behind considerably, and we are going to see why.
But keep in mind that we are talking about the best system for gaming purposes only. In many other features, other OS may take the upper head. So, let’s see a little about all the most popular Operating Systems.
Microsoft Windows
We begin with the most famous and popular operating system. Unofficial estimates say that Windows OS is installed in more than a billion computers. On the other hand, Microsoft calculates that at least 400 million PCs have Windows 10.
Windows became the fan-favorite for almost all gamers since Windows XP, which was a great operating system for gaming. Not even the bug-ridden Windows Vista was capable of changing this preference.
Nowadays, Windows 10 has been acclaimed as the best operating system for gaming ever launched. However, the recent release of Windows 11 improved the gaming experience even further.
If you want to know more about the differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11 and also a little more about the excellent gaming potential the latest version has, you can check our Windows 10 Vs Windows 11 Gaming text.

Windows Performance
Windows 10 seems to be developed with gamers in mind. The Operating System is extremely efficient and has many gaming features, like the DirectX 12 Ultimate, the Xbox Game Pass, and the Game Mode. It also brings some incredible display features. In terms of gaming performance, Microsoft was finally able to make something to surpass the so-loved Windows XP.
Additionally, the newest operating system – Windows 11 – has all features of Windows 10 and much more, which makes it one of the best Operating Systems ever launched. Some of the improvements are the Auto HDR and the Direct Storage.
These two products are undoubtedly the best operating systems in terms of gaming performance, all set for you to rock in the most impressive games.
If you choose Windows, we recommend staying on either Windows 10 or 11. Other older versions may work fine, but they lose Microsoft and game developers' support. Some specific graphical programs, like the DirectX 12 Ultimate, are not supported on these versions.
Another thing about Windows 10 and 11 is that your specs can be low, as it will work in various CPU speeds and other specs. The support will also be the same, no matter your computer hardware. To complete, you will find many integrations with Xbox Live games that PC players will love.

Windows Game Selection and Variation
Another great factor in favor of Windows is the number of games the Microsoft software supports. In fact, it is common to change “PC games” for “Windows Games,” as there is no other option that gets close to the most popular operating system on the market in this comparison.
The logic behind it is quite simple: Windows is, by far, the biggest Operating System, and most users are on the platform. Game companies are aware of it and, therefore, focus on making their games compatible with this software first. Also, if, for any reason, they can choose only one gaming OS, most games will come for Windows.
Gaming Platforms for Windows
Another point for Windows here. All the major gaming platforms and stores are available and are fully compatible with Windows. That is natural considering that Windows is the primary choice of the whole gaming industry. No matter where you want to buy your games, simply install Windows, as it is the right operating system for it.

Windows Security
This may be the only factor where Windows stays behind its competitors. Even when playing games, things like security are of the utmost importance. And, even though Windows is the best Operating System for gaming, its security is weaker than Macbooks’, for instance.
Windows users are generally the first targets of malware attacks, and often, these attacks are successful. Also, the Operating System passes through constant updates for security. It's not like Windows users are empty-handed in terms of safety, as the best operating system for gaming protects its users well. Just not as well as others.
Other Windows 10 and 11 Improvements
Windows also has some alternatives for display. After you access the start menu, you can go for display orientation or display resolution. These and many other possibilities to make your interface more like you.
Other Pros and Cons
- User-Friendly.
- Best Game Support.
- Dual Monitor Support.
- Full Controller Support.
- Software with Security Issues.
In terms of cell phones, Apple competes against Samsung. When it comes to computers, the company faces the hard task of getting close to Microsoft and its Windows.
It is, nowadays, the second most used operating system and, accordingly to Apple itself, has close to 100 million active users. But, when it comes to the best gaming OS, they can only aim for second place.
Unlike Windows, Apple operating systems are only available for the companies’ products, such as the MacBook Pro or the MacBook Air. As for desktop PCs, the newest thing users can look for is the iMac versions.
But no matter what your current PC is, Apple will always prioritize things like a smaller design and compactness over general performance. And that’s why they will always be behind Microsoft's latest releases, Windows 10 and Windows 11, in the operating systems’ run to become the best OS for gaming.
macOS Performance
In terms of performance, macOS is surely the worst of all three main operating systems. It is important to know that it doesn’t happen due to the OS itself. macOS isn’t the best OS for gaming because of Apple hardware. The company’s computers focus on safety, user-friendliness, and all the features cited above. Its design makes it impossible for Apple devices to have top-quality gaming performances.

Games Selection and Variation
In terms of the number of games available, macOS is well known for having almost nothing for its users, but this scenario is slowly changing. You will find Mac versions for the biggest releases and many AAA titles, but apart from that, things turn dark again.
If there is a thing that Mac products are sorely lacking is smaller releases, indie games, and older titles. Also, there are no great standard options, settings, or programs on the market that can solve it for Apple laptops. If you want to play more games like these, it will be better to look for a more gamer-friendly OS.
Gaming Platforms for macOS
Through an Apple laptop or desktop, with internet access, you can use Steam, which is the biggest gaming platform with the widest game selection. There, gamers can buy as many games as they want in a safe and user-friendly space. Besides Steam, you will have access to other platforms such as Epic games Store and Good Old Games (GoG).

macOS Security
This is by far the best feature of Apple devices. In terms of safety and user protection, no other OS gets close. It is not impossible to suffer from security problems in an Apple laptop. Still, they are on another level in terms of safety for gaming and many other processes. This is one of the features that make the conventional user prefer macOS over Windows or Linux.
Great for Other Aspects
Apple is used and fiercely defended by millions because it has great features apart from gaming. Its user interface and safety are just two examples, but the system is also the best for photo and video editing.
To complete, you have great display features like layout tweaking, night shift mode, and brightness automation. All of these possibilities are not held by CPU speed or other hardware limitations. In terms of display and interface, Mac can’t be compared to almost any Operating System in the market.
For gaming, the best way to make an Apple computer work well is through an external GPU and an external drive. That way, you won’t be bothered by the minimum specs necessary to play many games. The problem is the cost and how expensive it can become.
Other Pros and Cons
- Excellent User interface.
- Most secure OS available.
- Great design.
- High prices.
- Lack of compatibility with games and platforms.

Linux Operating System
Now, it is time to talk about this Operating System, which would be better described as not one but a whole conglomerate of the different OS based on the Linux Kernel. With Linux, you can access different operating systems, such as SteamOS, Ubuntu, ChromeOS, Linux Mint, and others. It’s certainly an alternative approach in terms of Operating Systems.
Linux is a completely free, open-source operating system. Since it encompasses many other different systems, some estimates say that more than 3.5 billion Linux users are not using it directly but taking advantage of it somehow. Of course, when it comes to calculating the users of the most popular OS, these numbers can’t be considered, and Linux doesn’t surpass the Windows platform.
Linux system doesn’t have a familiar user interface and is known for being hard to understand. That way, it appeals much more to experienced users and programmers, who can explore some special features the system offers.
Linux Performance
For such a complex system that attracts programmers and experienced customers, Linux has a disappointing overall performance in terms of gaming. The system is surpassed even by Older OS, such as Windows 8 or 8.1, which are highly criticized due to their tablet-oriented UI. Windows 10 and Windows 11 have better results in terms of high frame rates and visual fidelity than Linux.

Games Selection and Variation
Linux is also behind Windows in terms of game quantity. Many games are compatible with Linux, but you will need a lot of programs and third-party drivers to make it work. This amount of programs can cause compatibility issues and demand a faster processor. Anyway, the software allows you to run games like Counter-Strike and Dota 2, for instance.
Processor, GPU, pixel shader, and memory that work on Windows may have problems running specific games you want to play, demanding a higher driver. Even though you will face some gaming performance limitations, Linux is still better than Mac in terms of performance. It doesn’t happen due to Operating System limitations but due to hardware.
Gaming Platforms for Linux
Even though you won’t find a great number of games available, Steam works in Linux, and you can even download SteamOS, which is a Linux distro for games on the platform. But, besides that, Linux doesn’t have support for other important applications compared to its rivals.
There is also the problem of game compatibility. Generally, titles are developed for Windows 10 or 11, then migrated to Mac, and, only then, ported to Linux, which comes as the far third option for gaming companies.
Linux Security
On this point, Linux isn’t as “fragile” as some others, such as Windows 10 and 11, which, unlike Linux, are constantly the target of malware and hackers. In some factors, Linux is as safe as or can reach even better results than an Apple Operating System version. Considering that the OS has fewer numbers of users than others, ill-intended software doesn’t go for Linux as much as other OS, which makes it far more secure for your hardware.

Other Interesting Features
Even though it is hard to adapt, Linux offers some interesting display attributes. With OS like Ubuntu, for instance, you can change the “temperature” of the screen, change the lock screen background, screen brightness, and support for dual monitors.
Unlike Windows, Linux offers systems like Ubuntu, an open framework that you don’t have to pay for. Linux Kernel works differently than it does in the other Operating Systems, allowing you to navigate with more freedom than others.
Other Pros and Cons
- An open-source free for everybody.
- Many different systems inside of one with different choices to make.
- Best Operating System for advanced enjoyers.
- Hard for beginners and newcomers.
- No compatibility with many platforms and games.

Now, you already know what Operating System of the three most used is the best. Overall, for PC gaming, the OS performance and game variety matter most, and no other matches Windows in these factors, as we stated earlier.
It's important to clarify that if you’re not a hardcore gamer, the differences may not be that big. In that case, going for Mac or Linux is totally understandable, as many people may prefer safety and a refined design over power and capacity.
If you are a hardcore gamer, go for Windows 10 or Windows 11. They are the best software the world has to offer in terms of operating systems. With RoyalCDKeys, you can get both Windows 11 Home Retail Key and Windows 10 Home Retail Key. You can also search for all the AAA titles you may want to play.