Sales Commission Spreadsheet | Maximize Sales Performance!

Sales Commission Spreadsheet | Maximize Sales Performance!

If there is a group everyone counts on in every company, it is the sales team. Everyone’s paycheck depends on their work, and we cherish if they can make some substantial sale in every company. Sales reps worldwide are fighters for the well-being of the company as a whole and – for their commission.

And this is the topic of this article – the well-renowned commission that the sales teams seem to enjoy so much. We will review how you can improve your commission sales in a well-organized spreadsheet. It will give you an easier time when calculating all the employee commissions and the additional effects that come from using a sales commission spreadsheet.

Moreover, we will provide you with the best sales commission tracker template completely for free! So, if sales commission structure is something you dream of at night and an Excel template is a dream come true for you – check out our guide to every sales commission calculation scenario you can think of, and let’s dive into the topic.

What Is a Sales Commission?

So, let’s talk a bit about the topic at hand – the sales commission spreadsheet and what it means in the office environment.

Sales commissions can be explained as the additional bonus to the basic salary of the sales representatives based on the percentage of sales they made in a given month.

So, let’s say the sales representative sold an ad for 1000 dollars. His basic income is 3000 dollars a month. His commission is 5%. Then, he would receive 3050 dollars in income that month. Pretty simple, right?

Well, when it comes to some more advanced issues, it can get pretty problematic. Just say you have 40 sales representatives, each with a different basic wage, a different commission, and different numbers of sales – it can get pretty overwhelming. And that is why a good spreadsheet can solve all of those problems. Put the numbers next to each bracket: John, sales 50, basic salary 3000, commission 5%, and the program will do the rest!

What Kind of Software Should You Use?

But before we get into all the details of the sales commission spreadsheet, let’s go over the sales process program we will be utilizing to maximize our potential. And, because it’s such a big and essential part of every company, the choice can be only one – Microsoft Office.

This package of software tools for the office is one of the world's most advanced and widely used programs ever created. When creating the most effective commission-tracking spreadsheet template – you will not find a better fit for your office. And, this is not only our opinion. Millions of people worldwide use Microsoft’s tools for their everyday work with excellent results.

You may be hesitant, though, thinking that this software has been historically expensive and people had to pay a lot of money to use it. Well, these times are long gone! Nowadays, it’s all about reselling, and their prices can be more than affordable. So, the Microsoft Office package is the right fit for you if it’s the results you are after, like every good salesman. And, you can get a MS Office activation key for an affordable price on RoyalCDKeys.

And now, let’s get started with some template examples to pair with the software proposition.


Sales Commission Spreadsheet Template #1

Download from the official Microsoft website

First, we have our calculating sales masterpiece, the single best template on our list…if you have a relatively small company. It might not be the greatest fit for most companies, but if you care about the effectiveness of the spreadsheet and you don’t have sales reps but a sales rep, then this kind of template is a great fit for you.

Whether it’s something as simple as getting the appropriate commission percentage when calculating commissions or if you want to gather critical metrics in order to use them to get more sales, this will suit you just right in most circumstances.

But, if you want something more advanced that will help you with the most basic of tasks, you will need to check out one of the other Excel templates on our list.


Sales Commission Spreadsheet Template #2

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Using the same formula for every salesperson can automatically calculate the commission percentages for all sales reps. But if there are more advanced scenarios when filtering data and getting commission calculations for each sales rep – it can get pretty advanced.

And that is what this spreadsheet is all about. Here you can calculate each sales rep’s commission individually. You will quickly notice that there are plenty of ways that it can differ. Thus, if you want to avoid human error and focus on what you can do rather than what is outside of your possibilities, then this template will be perfect. It’s advanced and has everything you need when it comes to creating a spreadsheet that works for a bigger company.

However, if you still feel like it’s not a good fit for you, we have another one that will surely blow your mind.


Sales Commission Spreadsheet Template #3

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And here it is. With a little bit of aesthetics combined with the commission precision, everything is on the same page and changeable. You can do anything you want, from getting the right commission amount, multiplying by years of service, different commission percentages, or adding your own factor – you cannot go wrong with this multitool.

Of course, it is something rather grand, and if you would use it to calculate commissions for two employees, it will work, but you will not get the full potential it. For that purpose – check out template #1 on our list.

Why Should You Track Your Sales Commission Data?

But, there are plenty more benefits of using a sales commission spreadsheet. After all, there is a reason why most companies opt to use this in their everyday work. It is one of the most utilized tools for the sales department and a reason. It makes the job easier and faster and can bring additional benefits. So, if you want to learn, let’s review some important details.


Pay the Right Amount


The most important aspect, at least from the point of view of a sales rep, is that you will pay the right amount of money to the right people. The more sales reps you have, the more complicated the process gets. Thanks to a great commission spreadsheet, you will get rid of that problem.

Of course, you can do your spreadsheet for your specific company’s needs, but we recommend using one of the proposed templates. Those have the necessary functions already inside of them, and it will be much easier to move things around there than to create it from scratch.




Well, you can’t argue with numbers, as they say. Tracking commissions can be a demanding job, and people tend to get angry when it comes to money-related issues. In that case, you can just point out the spreadsheet and wait for them to recalculate everything. And, if there are some issues, then it’s a human error of their reporting or someone’s at the administrative office.

Anyways – not a problem for a company as a whole. Moreover, your company gains transparency when presenting the findings.


Easy to Calculate


And – it’s less work for all the people involved! You don’t need to create a different spreadsheet for each employee. You can create one commission sheet, where you will put all the necessary information with functions to calculate them and just change the values in each bracket to create different results for different employees.

Typing it all manually would take hours, but with a well-programmed spreadsheet – it takes seconds, not even! And, it is much more possible that you will make some mistakes in your calculations rather than the computer.


Data Collection


The next thing on our list is the data collection that goes with the whole concept. It does not mean that you are spying on your employees. Still, you can gather substantial information on various topics, ranging from what kind of customers are interested in your product, how much they are willing to pay, and the monthly statistics. Plenty of different types of information can be collected, and getting a lot of data is not something to be worried about, that’s for sure.


More Leads?


And, the most important thing for any salesperson – does it generate more leads? Well – no, but – yes. Let us explain. If you your sales representatives need to spend much time putting the leads into the spreadsheet and calculating commission, they will have much less time to pursue new leads and customers.

And you can use it to see the key performance indicators of your employees and motivate them with some bonuses or incentives to be even better at what they do. The psychological aspect there cannot be underestimated, that’s for sure.

Why Should You Use a Template?

But you can say that it’s all fun and games, but why would you use a template? You can pretty much calculate it on your own. Well, if you want, you certainly can. But those templates provide some additional information that could be useful to you.

The primary explanation that comes to mind when thinking about this issue is that – there is no reason to reinvent the wheel. With our templates' help, you can gather some crucial sales data and track commissions in no time! With specially designed functions and well-structured visual representation, you can make every sale in just a few minutes.

Commission spreadsheets are not some kind of rocket science, but if you don’t know which buttons to push, you can always go ahead and use something already available to you. And that is why it’s better to use a template drafted by experienced sales representatives rather than discovering all the good and bad of it in real time.

Other Ways It Can Improve Your Sales

Now that we know all the benefits of using spreadsheets, let’s talk about some indirect benefits that can come from utilizing this tool. You can even focus your spreadsheet on a particular element to create an even better understanding of this part of your business. Let’s get into some details, then.


Lead Tracking


First, we have the lead tracking tool, a variation sales commission tracking, where you can see all the most crucial information about your leads. If you want to modify your sales commission spreadsheet to visualize these elements better, be sure to include the following:

  • Contact and personal information with the specific region and source of the lead.

  • What kind of value is associated with this lead, and what are the expectations vs. potential difficulties that can come from it?

  • How can the sales time improve to close the lead, and what are some of the ways that they can utilize this?


Cycle Tracking


The next element you can add to your sales commission spreadsheet is sales cycle tracking. If you have multiple projects, it is helpful to track the sales cycles of each of them to better use the resources you have at hand.

For example, if you are selling tires, you will see that different types of tires will get sold during a year, and different amounts of people will come to your shop to change their tires, especially before winter. That is why it’s important to track those changes. Here are some of the things you can include in your spreadsheet:

  • When was the last time the customer contacted you?

  • What are the dates when the rush starts, and when does it end?

  • Contact information to specific clients who used your services with dates when they used it.


Goals Tracking


Next, we have goal tracking. It’s one of the essential elements, as you cannot grow if you do not set yourself some goals. It can improve your sales tenfold if you incentivize your employees to do better.

To create such an addition to your spreadsheet, be sure to include such elements as:

  • The name of each sales representative in your company with detailed performance results;

  • The predicted goals with incentives for each tier of sales.


Customer Tracking


The next thing to keep in mind is the customer tracking. If you want to run a successful business, having a customer database to track purchases, cancellations, and everything in between to better cater to their needs is great. Things to include in this part are:

  • How many cancellations did you have?

  • What was the reasoning?

  • How was it settled?

  • What are some ways to improve to have fewer cancellations?


Space for Growth


The spreadsheet can also add some space for growth when using tracking sheets. Whether it’s something as simple as giving tips to sales representatives or keeping track of skills they are working on, space for growth is also a significant element to add to any spreadsheet.

Especially if you are providing some coaching opportunities for your employees or having some additional workshops to create a compensation plan for extraordinary abilities that the employees gained during their work in your company.

Sales Commission Spreadsheet – Conclusion

The sales commission spreadsheets allow you to save time and energy by putting everything into templates with explicit formulas that calculate the commissions in milliseconds. It also gives additional information about the employees, customers, and the company.

Sales commission spreadsheets are great tools to utilize if you are having any trouble growing your business, keeping track of each employee’s progress, or just overall – not having enough data regarding the company's progress. With a sales commission spreadsheet, you can do just that and much more.

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