Games Like Elite Dangerous – Explore the Vast Universe!

Everyone loves some space simulator games! From the early days of gaming, titles like Space Invaders, Descent, and even Star Trek: First Contact from the Star Trek universe – space combat was something that gamers loved from first sight. A “space game” is actually one of the first genres, to be honest, and we cannot fully express to you how fun it was to travel through space and time, get into inter-star conflict, and fight against fleets back in the day.
Fortunately, you don’t need to get back into the past to enjoy it, as there are plenty of space exploration/battleship fighting games nowadays to have fun in!
Of course, we are also acknowledging such titles as the strategy game – EVE Online or the classic RPG title – Star Trek Online, but what we will be focusing on in this title are games like Elite Dangerous. Meaning lots of fighting, flying, and exploring. Elite pilots engaging in battles in their starships, flying through the stars and taking enemies one by one - it’s a sight to behold! So, let’s find out some similar games to Elite Dangerous!
Games Like Elite Dangerous – Explore the Vast Universe!
What Is Elite Dangerous?

Developer : Squad
Release Date : June 2011
Platforms : Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X/S
Meta Score: 88
Starting with – Elite Dangerous ? Well, if you have not played it – you should definitely give this one a chance. This is a truly breathtaking and informative experience that you will tell all your friends about until they are entirely done hanging out with you.
The game occurs in the galaxy close, and to be more specific – right here. It’s the Milky Way! It’s a true-to-scale representation of our beloved galaxy, where you get to experience all the planets we have in our solar system (we still don’t have a precise estimate on the Pluto problem). If space explorers are what you’re all about – then you should give this game a chance.
When it comes to game details, you are a pilot with your very own spaceship, who is traveling through our wonderful galaxy in order to trade, combat, and even bounty hunt! There are plenty of things you can do in this game, join some factions or go solo, become a miner, explorer, or a murdering hobo (do not recommend that). Everything you see in this game is approachable, and you should give it a chance! Space simulation is what makes this game exciting, so go and wonder! You can also learn a lot about our solar system and all the fantastic planets we have!
Additionally, you can play with friends and foes alike, as there is a great multiplayer mode where dozens of thousands of people meet online to fly their spaceships and have some fun! It’s only getting better with time, so if you want to get to those star systems – you should start now!
No Man’s Sky

Developer : Squad
Release Date : June 2011
Platforms : Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X/S
Meta Score: 88
Next, we have the greatest threat to Elite Dangerous and the game that was unfortunately a victim of its hype – No Man’s Sky . You may not remember if you were born in the new century, but when this game was first announced, we all were drooling from excitement, looking at what happened on our first LCD monitors. The sheer scope of this game, the procedurally created universe, the multiplayer aspect – everything felt new and exciting!
And…it fell flat horribly. Like really horribly. Don’t get us wrong, it was not a bad game; it just wasn’t what we expected. That’s why so many people forgot about it and buried it among all the other unfinished projects. Luckily, the developers believed in it, and we can safely say that it is, indeed, the game that they promised nowadays.
So, if you’re into some space adventure and meeting alien races – No Man’s Sky is a title for you. With almost limitless possibilities, you get to explore the vast universe, travel through time and space, and become the actual space explorer of this world. There is a plot here and there, but it doesn’t matter in the end. It turns out that the best thing about No Man’s Sky is just wondering, gathering resources, upgrading your ship, and getting ready for some new exploration.
This game is something that you will surely sink in, as there are dozens of questlines to finish, many people who need help in this god-forsaken world, and plenty of opportunities to make new connections. With a widespread massive online multiplayer, you just can’t miss it!

Developer : Bethesda Game Studios
Release Date : September 2023
Platforms : Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox Cloud Gaming, Microsoft Windows
Meta Score: 86
With some good exploration in mind, the next title on our list is Starfield ! The famous/infamous game that, well, is just another one of the great Bethesda titles that you will love or hate. So, what’s it all about? Well then, it’s pretty much the same as those before, except – with a little more plot to it.
Starfield can do something none of the other titles have managed to do – it combines the various plotlines and the vast world full of possibilities with single-player gameplay. And it works. For some – others claim that it may get a bit boring, but in our opinion, those are hurtful words that should never be uttered! Starfield is a game like other space exploration titles; you just need to like this gaming genre.
Similarly to No Man’s Sky and Elite Dangerous, you have your very own spaceship, and, in the classic Bethesda way, you need to talk to everyone and ask about everything. The role-playing aspect here is vital, and we cannot understate how good it feels to return to your ship sometimes and spread your wings. The game really rewards exploration as it gives you additional questlines and even greater upgrade potential. And – lots of crazy people and aliens on your way.
If you liked Elite Dangerous but want something more modern and developed to have fun in, this is the title you should pay close attention to. Of course, it may not be without its flaws, but overall – people are relatively positive about it. And so are we!
Kerbal Space Program

Developer : Squad
Release Date : June 2011
Platforms : Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X/S
Meta Score: 88
Another exciting title on our list is the Kerbal Space Program ! All the Kerbals gather around; we have a treat for the human race! Here, you get to experience the vast Kerbal solar system, full of wonders and places you can visit. And, in every inch of it, you will find some fun stuff to do.
It’s a less severe space exploration game than the previous titles, as it does not consider itself to be something out of the ordinary but rather a fun game to play occasionally. It has some comical graphics design, amusing sounds and music, and lots of Kerbals to meet!
In this game, the most important thing is to create your rocket and explore the vast space. Outer worlds, a whole of incredible inventions. You can do it in the classic Career mode, where you need to have fun in the exploration part and manage your budget and the reputation of your space program as a Kerbal. Additionally, you can go for the Science Mode and gather the info so the Kerbin world can grow and prosper.
Finally, there's the Sandbox mode. Here, you're free to do anything without any pressure for specific outcomes. It's an excellent game, we must say, and we can assure you'll have plenty of laughs, particularly if you prefer your space games on the more lighthearted side. Enjoy without constraints!

Release date: 2018
Developer: Ludeon Studios
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, macOS, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac operating systems
Meta Score: 87
Evolve, create, destroy – here we are with the cult Rimworld! If you are tired of only getting your own starship, why not get all the starships there are? This means surviving in harsh conditions, fighting with hordes of enemies, and starting a whole new life. Are there many games that allow you to do just that? Well, in our memory, there are none! So, let’s see what the fuss is all about!
Rimworld is, in essence, a survival game. You and your companions are stranded on a planet you know nothing about. It was supposed to be a simple mission that became much more sinister. The main thing you need to accomplish is to stay alive and not get yourself killed by many threats coming your way.
There are a couple of ways you can accomplish that task. You can advance your technology by gathering resources from all around the world, fighting your enemies, and taking their stuff – there are plenty of ways to get by in this world, and you are the one to do so! But what makes this game so interesting is the different choices of narrators that create your adventures on this planet. Everything is procedurally generated, so you need to adjust to the ever-changing circumstances each time something different happens.
The first AI storyteller is Cassandra Classic. It’s your very own prophet who is guiding your world in a pretty straightforward way. Most things that are happening are to be expected, but some surprises are awaiting you. Next, we have the Pheobe Chillax for a more straightforward gameplay, more on the resource-gathering side and quests rather than discovering the mystery. Finally, we have the Randy Random, as you can expect, a randomly generated event that can be anything from utterly chaotic to completely standard.
Similarly to Elite Dangerous, you get to experience the vast universe, a whole of possibilities. Still, it combines it with the survival aspect, making it a bit harder game to beat. With the AI storyteller element to complete the picture, we can safely say that it’s one of those titles you will remember for a long time, especially if you are into some nice destroying!
What Is Spore?

Developer: Maxis
Release Date: September 2008
Platforms: Windows
Meta Score: 84
And we’re ending on…Spore of all games. You may be surprised, but there is a lot of space exploration in this game after you beat the evolution part of it. The game is massive and has a lot to offer in each phase of gaming.
If you have never played or heard about this game before, here’s a rundown – it’s a title that’s mostly concerned with developing a creature. You decide what kind of eyes it has and what kind of claws and fangs you will give it. It started from a single-cell organism and progressed to great civilizations full of creatures. The evolution process is really fun to look at, but where the game excels is the space program.
Here, you actually get to see how it would all look if you created a civilization from scratch and let it evolve. There’s some advanced space-fighting, conquering other civilizations, and much more! Really, this game delivers on all the fronts and was a total hit back in the day. The fact that it’s still playable after so many years is a testament to how well it was produced.
You can get from prehistoric times to the distant future and see how your creatures are doing on this epic journey through life and space. Spore is one of those games that you will remember long after finishing and say to yourself – well, that was something, wasn’t it?
Games Like Elite Dangerous – Conclusion

And here we are, at the end of our road! As you can see, when it comes to games with space exploration, there’s a lot for you to explore. From something really close to Elite Dangerous, like No Man’s Sky or Starfield, to something on a completely different side of the spectrum yet still similar to Rimworld or Spore – everyone will find something to their liking on this list. In this day and age, space exploration games are having a renaissance, as it seems that the fantasy is slowly fading away. So, if sci-fi is your kink, you will have a lot of fun!
So, grab your controller and venture into the great spacial world, full of mysteries and creatures to fight against! And – don’t forget to fuel your spaceship!
Thanks for stopping by! We hope you enjoyed this one. We have plenty of articles for you to check out, so be sure to do that in your spare time. That’s it for today. Stay safe, and we will see you in the next one!